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Whole Home Remodeling Republic West Remodeling Phoenix
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At Republic West Remodeling, we’re deeply proud of the more than 17,000 home remodeling projects we’ve completed since 1995 – kitchen and bath remodels, whole home remodels, room additions, and outdoor living spaces – projects that have added value and function to our clients’ homes.


Whole Home Remodeling in Phoenix & Scottsdale

We know the prospect of undertaking a whole home remodeling project can be intimidating. You may worry that it will be a stressful experience, but Republic West Remodeling wants to assure you that we aim to make the process as pleasant and stress-free as possible.

Here are some common concerns we have had clients express to us when it comes to home remodeling:

Is my home remodeling project that is scheduled to take six to eight weeks going to take several months?

While this is a common concern, it does not have to be a worry if you choose remodeling contractors that respect your time. At Republic West Remodeling, we know you want your home remodel completed as quickly as possible, and we do everything in our power to make that happen.

Will my whole home remodeling project go over budget?

At Republic West Remodeling, we spend a lot of time carefully planning out every detail of your whole home remodeling project. This essential step helps us avoid going over budget, and it is our number one goal to deliver what we promise. Those homeowners familiar with home remodeling know that certain issues sometimes arise. We focus on clear communication and proactive problem-solving that helps us deal with issues as quickly and efficiently as possible.

What happens if a home remodeling company cuts corners to save themselves time and money?

We suggest choosing your home remodeling contractors very carefully. An ethical home remodeling contractor will never take shortcuts that can cause problems for you and your family.

What do I do if something goes wrong?

You can avoid many potential problems by picking the right home remodeling contractors from the start. But if something unexpected does go wrong, a reputable home remodeling contractor will do whatever is necessary to fix the problem and make it right.

How do I handle having strangers going in and out of my home? What about my pets?

At Republic West Remodeling, we respect your property and your privacy. While having workers coming and going at certain times may be inevitable, we will always keep you informed about our daily schedule,so you know what to expect. Work is only performed during agreed-upon hours to minimize stress on your family. We often suggest that homeowners keep pets secure in other parts of the home while we work, and we can help you plan for that situation.

How can I find an honest, ethical whole home remodeling company that I can trust?

We highly recommend asking for referrals from friends and neighbors. Check around, and find out which home remodeling companies have the best reputation. Choose a company that has a long track record in your area, and that has a solid reputation for performing top-quality work.

It is essential to choose the right whole home remodeling contractor because selecting the wrong one can lead to wasting precious time and money, suffering extreme frustration, and having a terrible overall experience.

The best way to go about choosing the right remodeling contractor is not to hear it from the contractor, but to hear it from their clients. Some of our clients have been kind enough to share their stories with you. We hope their stories will inspire you to schedule a free consultation with Republic West Remodeling today.

Arizona Whole Home Remodeling Story


When this family first purchased their 30-year-old house in 2010, they said that while the structure itself was in great shape, what the couple mostly fell in love with was the actual lot it was located on.

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Chuck and Robin’s Whole Home Remodeling Story


Chuck and Robin’s 2,500 square foot, single story Scottsdale home was originally built in 1996. The three bedroom, two and one-half bathroom house also featured a three-car garage. Read their story.

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J’s Whole Home Remodeling Story

 Outdoor Living Space Remodelers Republic West Remodeling Phoenix

John recently purchased an 18-year-old home that did little to reflect his unique personality and penchant for a more contemporary ambiance. Read his story.

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Jess and Shawn’s Whole Home Remodeling/Addition Story


Jess and Shawn contacted Republic West Remodeling to do a complete whole home remodel and home addition. Visit our site today to read their story.

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Lisa and Alan’s Whole Home Remodeling Story

 Phoenix Kitchen Remodeling

Lisa and Allan spent 30 years in their home before they contacted Republic West Remodeling to do a complete whole home remodel. Read their story.

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Myles and Elaine’s Whole Home Remodeling Story

 Phoenix Home Remodeling Story Republic West Remodeling

Myles and Elaine contacted RWR to do a complete whole home remodel on what was supposed to be their vacation home in Arizona. Read their story.

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OUR Commitment to you

We are committed to providing a great experience to you throughout the entire whole home remodeling process – from creative design to detailed planning to execution and construction. We do this by adhering to a strict set of guidelines that serve as the foundation of our process.

By ensuring certainty on cost, time and quality, we can help make sure our customers never experience a nightmare project.

experience the difference

Cost Certainty

The #1 remodeling nightmare is that the final cost on a custom remodeling project has little resemblance to the upfront cost that was presented when the initial contract was signed.  We call this “cost creep.” If your budget is not handled correctly, cost creep will become an absolute fact of your home remodeling project.  We provide a breakdown of project scope, line-by-line, giving each customer Cost Certainty.

Time Certainty

If cost variance is the #1 remodeling nightmare, the never-ending project is clearly #2.  As a customer, you should have a clear projection of how long actual construction and execution should take, from the very start of the process.  Custom remodeling is never painless and always difficult, but all parties should agree on a definitive plan that can be achieved. We strive to keep your inconvenience to an absolute minimum, through what we call Time Certainty.

Quality Certainty

We use only the highest-quality materials, and install everything for maximum dependability. By combining superior materials, skilled workmanship, and the industry’s best warranties, you can be assured that your remodel or home addition represents a smart total investment – plus, it’s one that you and your family will enjoy for many years to come.

The Dream Assurance Plan Republic West Remodeling Phoenix

The dream assurance plan

The Dream Assurance Plan is built on a vision – an idea. The team of professionals at Republic West Remodeling has developed, through their years of experience and a passion for excellence, an exclusive home remodeling process that strives to deliver a pleasant experience for their customers. The dream comes alive with brilliant choices, a defined plan, a customer advocate, internal office support, and an experienced execution team comprised of company employees and vetted trade partners.

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Personalized Approach to Whole Home Remodeling

Your Phoenix whole home remodeling project should be designed especially for you. We can help you make the space unique by incorporating design elements and style details that express your own tastes and personality.


When you contact Republic West Remodeling for Phoenix whole home remodeling services, you can expect to receive:


Free consultation with one of our whole home design experts


Initial drawing sketch of your whole home design


3D rendering of the vision and ideas for your whole home remodeling project


Detailed plan that outlines cost and timeline for installation and construction


On budget and on time completion

home tour

Watch The Whole Home Tour

The Republic West Remodeling Home Tour will showcase some our latest home remodeling projects and give you an inside look into how we’ve transformed the houses of our beloved customers into their dream homes.

Behind the Curtain

Behind the Curtain

It’s no secret the home remodeling industry has a bad reputation. Based on the countless project nightmares retold by people you know and postings all over the web, the sorry reputation of many remodeling contractors is well deserved. But it doesn’t have to be that way.

The purpose of this white paper is to educate consumers on why remodeling projects fail, what should happen behind the scenes, and how a good remodeling partner will truly do their best to prevent bad things from happening.


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    Transform your house into your dream home!

    Contact us today for the highest quality luxury whole home remodeling. We proudly serve Scottsdale, Phoenix and the Phoenix Metro area. Call today for your free consultation or contact us online.

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